Friday, October 8, 2010

Guest Designer: Lisa Dickinson

Happy Friday everyone! And happy DT gallery reveal day. If you haven't checked out our gallery, do drop by.

Meanwhile, can I say how happy I am that we have Lisa as our guest this month? She's not only a good friend, but she's also an amazing scrapbooker (and dedicated runner who's training for a marathon.) We asked Lisa a few questions, because we are nosy. But I think you are going to like her sense of humor as much as we do. 

Mosh Posh: What is one scrapping item you MUST HAVE?
Lisa: My clear ruler + xacto knife.  I can't do a thing without either of them.

MP: What's your fave TV show?
L: Currently, Glee.  Though I am still mourning the loss of LOST.

MP: Who are your scrapping idols?
L: I am inspired by so many people but I truly admire the women that have been able to turn their scrapbopoking talent into a successful career - Ali Edwards, Jenni Bowlin, April Foster, and Cathy Zielske, to name a few.

MP: When do you usually scrap?
L: Morning or evenings, weekdays or weekends? Since my kiddos have gone back to school, my most productive scrap time is weekdays when I'm not interrupted to fetch snacks, wipe bottoms, or referee arguments.  

MP: Is there anything "signature" about your style?
L: I think most of my pages are pretty simple with a few ecclectic touches thrown in. I use white -bordered photos and stitching a lot.

MP: What's your thought process when scrapping? (how do you get started, the steps you usually take to create a page)
L: My process usually begins with either certain papers or certain photos.  These two elements have to work together before I can move onto the design, journaling, and embellishing.  Once my photos and papers are nailed down, I just start playing around.  I lay things down in different arrangements until I find something that works.  Occasionally, I'll use my computer to sketch out a page or get an idea of where elements should be placed and how big they should be.  But most of the time it's just me, pushing everything around until I like it. ;)

MP: How did you get started running?
L: I wanted to lose weight before our wedding so I started running with a marathoning friend who had just had a baby. She was just getting back into running so we started building miles together (it was a slow, painful process!)  I lost the weight (and later found it again) but the running thing stuck.  Now, it's less about losing any weight and more about gaining some time alone with my thoughts (or lack of!)  It helps me refocus and thus, keeps me sane.  And that sanity thing is what gets me lacing up the shoes and heading out the door each day.

MP: What's your favorite beer?

L: Right now it's New Belgium Brewing's 1554. It's a dark Belgian ale with a slightly chocolatey after taste. It's perfect for fall.  (And chocoholics.)

Come back Monday for a peek inside Lisa's workspace. It's pretty fab (and we learn that her husband is handy!)



Meghann Andrew October 8, 2010 at 4:10 PM  

Whoa Lisa! I can't live without my clear ruler or X-acto blade either! Can't wait to see your space!

Michelle October 8, 2010 at 5:11 PM  

The gallery is full of such pretty pages this month!!! Love it!!

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